World Greatest Shave 2011

Last Weekend was The start of the Leukaemia Foundation Worlds Greatest Shave Stu Allen photography is a proud supporter of  Leukaemia Foundation in Cairns.

World’s Greatest Shave is a fantastic event that has been running since 1999.

It is something fun to be involved in, but it is a great cause  to help the 2,000 Queenslanders diagnosed annually with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma or a related blood disorder.

There were heart warming stories and some great people who had put t there heart and soul in fundraising for Leukaemia Foundation in Cairns.

Katy Hoffmeister 13 from St Andrews Catholic Collage in Redlynch raised as of Saturday morning $2800.00

Stefan Salons flew her brother up from Brisbane to shave her to make it a family affair, and Dad shaved his head and his mow off.






Izzy wicks who works at the Cairns Base Accident and emergency originally from Hertford in the uk only been in Cairns a few months.

The Leukaemia Foundation in Cairns are targeting $170,000 but not there yet…but Qld has raised over $1.1m as of last Friday…on our way to raising the $4m we are hoping to raise…

Friday was the turn of the Salt house and Courthouses turn.

Brendon Who Raised Over $1800 who works at Cairns Courthouse,Did amazing Job hadn`t cut his hair for 12 years

Rob at courthouse


The Leukaemia Foundation receives no on-going government funding, so it is vital that the community gets behind this event — the Foundation’s biggest single annual fundraiser.

I would like to give you some idea how the funds raised today will be used.

Every day an average of five Queenslanders can expect to be diagnosed with a blood cancer.

They can strike anyone of any age at any time and once diagnosed, they require immediate treatment.

For patients in regional and rural areas, that means the upheaval of leaving home and staying possibly for many months in Brisbane or Townsville to be close to major treatment centres.

Each year the Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland provides those men, women and children — and their families — with almost 40,000 nights of free accommodation.

But demand is so high that more than one-third of those nights are bought by the Foundation in private motels because its three residential villages in Brisbane and one in Townsville are at capacity.

The Foundation is currently undertaking building projects in Brisbane and Townsville to alleviate some of that demand.

The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland also invests more than $1 million a year in medical research projects that are delivering better treatments and higher survival rates.

Thirty years ago, a leukaemia diagnosis was a death sentence.

Today, thanks to medical breakthroughs, eight out of 10 children and four out of 10 adults will go on to live a normal life.

Unfortunately, however, leukaemia still remains the most common childhood cancer, and thousands of teenagers and adults do not win their battle for life.

So, you can see why World’s Greatest Shave is so important.

The valuable funds we will raise today with your support will ensure the Foundation continues to provide free accommodation to people when they need it most.

Your support will also help the Foundation continue investing in research that will one day deliver a cure.

World’s Greatest Shave is a hands-on way to help leukaemia patients and their families.

The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland hopes to raise $3.5 million through this year’s World’s Greatest Shave. And we’re here today to help them reach this goal.

Thank you for your time and the support of (Venue) and all the other businesses and individuals who have ensured today’s event is a success.

If you want to find out more about the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave, visit or phone 1800 500 088.

or  Click Here





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